Frequently Asked Questions

How do I buy something?

Simply add the products you would like to your shopping cart and proceed to checkout.

Do I need to sign up to buy?

The sign up process is very simple and straight forward when you are going to complete your payment, you just provide some basic details in order for us to be able to send you our products.

I have forgotten my password, now what?

Just request a password reset and you will get an automated email with your new password and how to change it.

I have forgotten my username, now what?

Same as a forgotten password, just request a reset and you will get an email with your username details.

What methods of payment are accepted?

We accept all credit and debit cards via PayPal, if you would like to pay by another method, please contact us at

Why don't you ship to my country?

We currently only ship within the UK, however if you would like to order outside the UK, please contact us and we will calculate the postage for you.

How much is shipping?

For orders under £70 there is a flat rate of £4.50 postage; any orders over £70 have free postage for UK.

How long will it take for my items to arrive?

You will receive an automated email once your order has been dispatched. Our aim is to dispatch your order within 7 working days, for you to receive it within 14 working days. Please be mindful Khalsa Shop is run by volunteers and there may be a slight delay is dispatching orders.

How do I get a refund?

If, for whatever reason, you are not satisfied with your product, contact us to let us know the reason and follow the returns policy below.

How do I return / exchange items?

We want you to have the easiest shopping experience possible, including if you wish to return or exchange any of the products you have brought. Returns are accepted on any clothing items which were received damaged or if the wrong item/size was sent out. Returns must be made within 30 days of receiving the order. Where the wrong item/size was ordered, the cost of shipping the item back to us will not be refunded. Where a product is to be exchanged, the cost of shipping out the exchanged product to you will be covered within the UK.

Clothing items which have been worn, washed or damaged by the customer are non returnable. If item/s are out of stock on exchange, store credit will be issued.

If a Kirpan/Shaster is to be returned, please ensure you contact us first. The Kirpan is very sacred for Sikhs and must be handled with care when purchased. For safety reasons we have the right to ask why you are purchasing a Kirpan and we have the right to cancel your order for a Kirpan.

If you intend on returning an item, please contact us with your full details at page with your order number and a description of the return.

What if I change my mind?

We want you to be happy with everything you buy from the Khalsa Shop. If you are not satisfied with your new purchase, please contact us.

We will exchange or refund any unused item provided it is returned in a saleable condition, in its original undamaged packaging. Exceptions apply for hygiene reasons on items such as Kacheras.

If we find that the product has not been returned to us in a re-saleable condition, we reserve the right to refuse a refund or exchange.

This does not affect your statutory rights.

How do I know what size I am?

The below are a guide only – most clothing sold by Khalsa Shop is unisex, unless stated.



What payment security do you have?

We use PayPal to ensure customer details are protected and the control remains with the customer.

Who does the money go to from the sales?

After the costs of the products have been covered, all proceeds from sales go directly to the charity Khalsa Foundation, which runs Sikhi projects in the UK and around the world. You can find out more about the charity at

Who can by a Kirpan?

The kirpan is an article of faith that plays a role in the Sikh religion. The kirpan as one of the five k’s is thus far more than a religious adornment. Mandated to be worn always, it is an integral part of the Khalsa Sikh’s person and cannot be properly compared with a cross which a Christian might choose to wear.  Not wearing the kirpan at any time, day or night, constitutes a grievous transgression for a Khalsa Sikh.

The word kirpan is a combination of the words grace and honour.  The kirpan is worn by initiated (Amritdhari) Sikhs, both men and women, and is one of five articles of faith, often called the 5Ks. Sikhs wear them as a reminder of their commitment to the tenets of their faith including justice, charity, morality, humility, and equality. These articles of faith are:

  1. Keski — unshorn hair (Kesh) symbolizing respect for God’s will are covered and protected with a keski also known as a dastar (turban)
  2. Kangha — a wooden comb representing self-discipline; worn in the hair it reminds the wearer to rid oneself of what is morally undesirable;
  3. Kara – an iron bracelet worn on the wrist; the circle signifies the oneness and eternity of God and to use one’s hands to benefit humanity;
  4. Kachhera – cotton undergarments representing high moral character and fidelity;
  5. Kirpan – a stylized representation of a sword, which must be worn sheathed, wrapped in a cloth belt, and worn next to the body; the kirpan signifies the duty of a Sikh to stand up against injustice.

Kirpans must be made of iron or steel and range in sizes depending of the preferences of the wearer. Some have elegant, ornate hilts and sheaths. They must be held securely in place with a fabric belt (called a gatra).  The gatra is worn across the torso, keeping the kirpan next to the body.

If you are purchasing a Kirpan, you must be over 18 years old. Khalsa Shop reserves the right to cancel your order if you do not provide proof of age on request.